Coinbase wallet
Coinbase Wallet is a self-custody wallet, giving you complete control of your crypto.
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Coinbase Wallet is a self-custody wallet, giving you complete control of your crypto.
Last updated
Control your crypto
Coinbase Wallet is a self-custody wallet, giving you complete control of your crypto.
Store all of your NFTs
Safely store and easily view all of your Ethereum and Polygon NFTs right in your Wallet. Coinbase wallet~Unlock the world of crypto
Industry-leading security
Additional security options on all of your devices provide more ways to keep your crypto safe and secure.
Works with Coinbase
Already a Coinbase customer? Link your Coinbase account to your Wallet to easily access your crypto.
Coinbase Wallet supports hundreds of thousands of coins and a whole world of decentralized apps. It’s your crypto - use it how and where you’d like.
Coinbase wallet~Unlock the world of crypto Coinbase Wallet is a self-custody crypto wallet, putting you in control of your crypto, keys, and data. Now you can safely store your crypto and rare NFTs in one place.
Coinbase Wallet is your passport to the decentralized web. Harness the power of DeFi to earn yield, grow your NFT collection, and much more. Coinbase wallet~Unlock the world of crypto
Use DeFi liquidity pools to supply or borrow crypto
Swap assets on decentralized exchanges
Join a DAO and help shape a major web3 project
With support for buying crypto with credit or debit cards in over 90 countries, you can fund your Coinbase Wallet and start your NFT collection with just a few taps or clicks.
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